Community Engagement
Community engagement primarily but not exclusively in Heidelberg is of great importance to me. Increasingly, there are people here in Germany who are in urgent need of help. But without our active assistance and donations to support these professional and volunteer activities, such help would not be forthcoming, and those in need would be left alone and unheard. For this reason, I am very happy to be able to contribute in this way and to support these important organizations.
Friends of the Heidelberg Protestant City Mission
In Heidelberg as in other places, more and more people are falling by the wayside because they are poor or have suffered hardships, have no home or are facing the loss of their home, have problems with alcohol or drugs or are addicted to gambling. I support the volunteer work being done at Heidelberg’s Bahnhofmission in particular, as well as in the addiction-counseling centers here in our city.
Amnesty International
I support Amnesty in its admirable and tireless efforts on behalf of those suffering political persecution, and in safeguarding the inalienable rights of every one of us. Because there is nothing violators of human rights around the world fear more than to have their deeds publicly exposed and made widely known.
Protestant Outreach Association at the Church of Christ, Heidelberg
The Outreach Association provides quick, discreet assistance free of “red tape” to families in our midst who have fallen on hard times and therefore can only take part in social and cultural life with difficulty, or not at all. When parents are in the grip of money trouble or problems with addiction, their children especially suffer and often end up living in social isolation. For this reason, I wholeheartedly support the Outreach Association in the loving and affectionate assistance it renders to these families.
Winter Breakfast
This is an ecumenical initiative of Heidelberg’s church congregations for the needy and homeless. The ecumenical facility in Heidelberg, which offers a free breakfast every day throughout the winter months, is being used by more and more people every year. I support this very important and often underappreciated example of community engagement in our midst, where every bit of help is gratefully received.
Initiative Heidelberg e.V.
I support the IHKKG in its wonderful aim of bringing together people from Heidelberg’s Weststadt neighborhood, for example within the framework of the excellent Saturday Cultural Market, of nurturing the community spirit through various programs, and of providing an alternative platform for Heidelberg artists.